foreDAM is the Hope for the financial turnaround in the power market of INDIA.
In spite of many Policy initiatives like Electricity Act, UDAY, Regulatory Commissions, the fact remains that about 1.2 Lakh Crores are outstanding from DISCOMs to generators and the entire sector is in huge stress. Unless the gap between ACP to ARR are filled up, the revival of the Sector is very difficult.
Day Ahead Electricity Markets (DAMs) in India are thin but growing. Out of the total electricity generated in a month about 6% are transacted through Day Ahead Market and Real Time Market of Power Exchanges.

The minimum, maximum and weighted Average prices for the electricity transacted in the DAM of IEX were Rs 1.00, Rs 6.00 and Rs 2.86 per unit in a typical month.
During the latest 5 years, the revenue as percentage of cost was varying between 78% and 81%. This means, the weighted average tariff for all categories of consumers was about 20% lower than the weighted average cost of supply. For a Financial turnaround, Smart scheduling is the quickest solution ………. FOREDAM is your new Hope.
Power Market Prediction
“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intentions, sincere efforts and intelligent Execution”.