
FTC – First Time Charging Training

Successful session on “First Time Charging “ for POWERGRID ,ERTS-2

by Team Practical Views
The first session of Capacity Building on “First Time charging” of important elements were successfully conducted by “Team Practical Views” for 35 participants of POWERGRID ERTS-II , Kolkata on 22nd March 21 through Video Conferencing mode.

ED, ERTS-II, Mr Rajesh Kumar while inaugurating the session exhorted all his Team members to take full advantage of the session from Experienced faculties who have themselves dealt such issues in reality. He cited many examples wherein due to lack of few Regulatory issues, the commissioning of Transmission Lines got deferred at the last moment which was not only a financial dent for the POWERGRID but also highly frustrating for the officers who had put their best efforts for last 4-5 years in the Construction of the Transmission Lines.

The session Jointly Conducted by three EX EDs of POSOCO, i.e. Shri U K Verma, EX ED NLDC, Shri A Gartia, EX ED SRLDC and Shri V K Shrivastava, EX ED WRLDC was highly interactive and each participants got addressed all their queries.

The Best part of the session was that for every Complex and unique cases, there were practical tips given by the faculties and all relevant Rules and regulations were shared immediately during the live session itself.

POWERGRID construction team is extremely efficient and they are Torch Bearer in nation Building for the construction of Transmission Lines armed with this added knowledge of tackling Regulatory issues after this session, they are now a Team with complete control on the Overall situation from concept to commissioning.

There were tangible and measurable improvement after this one of its kind capacity Building sessions from the Surgeons ‘Team Practical Views” who themselves have done many such operations of successful integration of elements in the Grid. The tangible results were observed as there was Pre session 25 questions which were self-evaluated by each Participants themselves before the session and after completion of the session. All Participants expressed their deep satisfaction and one Core Expression was that since the sessions were from Practically Experienced Faculties and hence answer to each query were instantaneous, convincing and implementable.

Seeing the huge success of this Unique Capacity Building session. now many such sessions are lined up for other Regions of POWERGRID and other Transmission Licensees’. This is the Tribute to the Indian Power sector and a sincere effort towards Nation Building by Team Practical Views. 

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