foreRTM- Real Time Market Price and Volume forecasting
Real Time Market Price and Volume forecasting
25 mins prior to every 48 auctions in RTM, our forecasting Engine
will fire the predicted values for the next auctions in designated
email ID of the subscribers. The predicted value can be taken as a
guiding reference for Market players in strategizing their bidding
and optimizing their business.
The Power Exchange based spot market Platform like RTM has proven to be a game changer for generators,
power Utilities & Industrial consumers by enabling the Trade of Power in a transparent manner
with market determined Competitive prices.
Real Time Market (RTM) was launched on 1st June 2020 featuring half an Hour Auctions. There are
48 auction sessions in a day on the exchange with the delivery of Power starting One Hour after Gate Closure
of the Bid session. RTM is playing a key Role in facilitating 24*7 power Supply -demand balancing aspirations
in the most flexible, efficient and dynamic manner.
M/s Inspirigence Works a startup company created with the Fusion of 100 years of cumulative
power sector Experience and enthusiasm of young Statistician Professionals from reputed Universities
has now forayed in the Forecasting of RTM Prices at least 25 Minutes before the Auction starts.
Having successfully launched foreDAM (Forecasting of Day Ahead Market) and having tasted the success,
the Startup Up company, armed with confidence, is now ready with its next launch in RTM Price & Volume forecasting.
Power Market Prediction
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